Wednesday 2 February 2011

Welcome to the first blog of the SUGAR CUBE!!

Hello and Welcome to the first SUGAR CUBE SUPPER CLUB Blog. 

Let me tell you about why I joined the virtual chat world - and what Sugar Cube is all about.
Sugar Cube Supper Club is a monthly supper club held in my Art Deco house. Why Sugar Cube? Well, the house has a flat roof, and the whole building should have been rendered white - making it look a little like a sugar cube - but the renovating budget expired too early and it hasn't been done yet, but the name stuck.
I love entertaining and have an embarrassing and secret addiction to cookery programmes, I also adore good conversation. So, combining the 2 and having 12 guests to dinner every month really hits the spot. 
I call it "Socially Delicious Dining" - sounds yummy, huh? 
The food I serve is as fresh and organic as possible. I cook it in the black and pink kitchen in full view of the diners. There are 5 courses,comprising a cocktail, canapes, appetiser, main course, dessert and coffee. I'll post some previous menus soon - I'm just getting this first blog done and out there first.
A winsome serving wench looks after the guests, taking coats, serving drinks and canapes and chatting. Oh, how she chats! But if I have created an image of a medeaval-style wench - I must apologise. No, she is sparkly and charming and dressed in fuscia pink jeans (to match the kitchen), neat black bar-keepers apron and a retro Sugar Cube t shirt. 
There are 3 tables of 4. Couples are separated and everyone swaps seats for dessert. 
What I found after the first few events was that they flow very well without much guidance from me. Some of the conversations I overhear from the kitchen are hilarious. And some are verging on illegal! 
New friends are made and FaceBook hums the next day with comments. 
So, with my guests permission, I am going to pass on some of the conversations, comments and stream of consciousnesses that have happened at The Sugar Cube. I'll also be adding my thoughts and random ideas that the evenings produce.
I'll post menus. Photos. Videos. And, of course, I look forward to hearing from  you.

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