Monday 28 February 2011



Blush Cocktail
Sugar Cube soaked in Grand Marnier
topped up with rose fizz, served in a glass dipped in glitter sugar

Baby peppers stuffed with Feta and pepper
Croustades with Quails egg, aioli, caviar and chives
Queen Olives
Asparagus wrapped with finely sliced smoked salmon

                                         Puy lentil Gallette
                                         Heart shaped puff pastry gallette
                                         filled with Puy lentils in yoghurt, coriander,
                                         cumin, baby spinach, mint and lime with balsamic drizzle

                                         Aromatic Salmon
                                        Cooked in coconut milk flavoured with Ginger, chilli, yellow peppers and lime
                                         Fennel mash

                                        Fine green beans sauted with sesame seeds and baby tomatoes

                                        Homemade Icecream
                                        Strawberry with Balsamic Vinegar
                                        Ginger and lemongrass
                                        Pineapple and coconut frozen yoghurt
                                        served on a waffle biscuit with a blueberry garnish

Well, it was a hell of a week.  
A trial of indecision. 
An agony of timing. 
An ordeal by ice cream. 
You know what it's like - once you decide to do something, even though it seems less of a good idea by the minute, you just can't listen to common sense and take an easier path. So it was with making ice-cream.
I had no idea of the different basic recipes - cream based, custard based, yogurt based - and launched myself into the process with utter naivety and a carton of double cream. Then, I began to read the ice cream bible. 
Dear Followers, I am now a true disciple, a convert and probably a complete ice-cream bore. But hey, the end results are worth the early morning trips to the garage freezer and the conscientious tasting.
As you can see by the menu, I couldn't decide on one flavour to serve at the Supper Club, so did three. And, I'm now on a diet.

It was great to meet new guests on saturday, and the mix on each of the 3 tables worked really well, with plenty of vocal volume.
After the dessert (did I mention ice cream?)  the tables got pushed together and  out of the blue people started telling jokes. When I say "telling" that rather undersells it. A full on Am-Dram production would be closer! How do people remember jokes? I'm always so impressed with that. 
Now, I promised that I wouldn't mention names, so to save their blushes have used psuedonyms. Curly Muffin and Butch York - you know who you are! Sheba's Canal - you should be ashamed of yourself!! And as for Craig Clark.....   oooops!

It was a late, late night. 
But, you can always tell it's been a good one when your stomach aches from laughing.

I'm really looking forward to March 26th SUGAR CUBE SUPPER CLUB - (Fully booked) where it will be a Mad March Hair theme. 

April 30th will, of course, be a Royal Wedding Theme.


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